Friday, February 27, 2009

long time

its been a long time since i posted on here...i kinda wish id made this a anonymous blog..but oh well....i havent posted as much cause i havent had a camera! i dont think i can do a real post without a picture! i ordered a nikon d40 from walmart because the bx did nt have any. this was on like the 10 feb, well of course a couple of days later the bx gets some in and bam walmart has shipped my order so i cant cancel it and just get it from the bx...well fast forward almost a month and the bx still has them and my camera from walmart STILL isnt here...if only id of waited a couple more days...but i couldnt wait but yet im still waiting grrrrrrrr
It should be here by the 3rd of march it says so heres hoping this week i get lucky!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

just a update

Kian had his january program today, his class does one each month, this months was about Martin Luther King. He did really well, heres a video of him saying his part

And some photos....

Alexas been smiling a couple of weeks now only randomly though!! I finally got a picture, its not a great one but still!!.......

I mentioned before about callum needing his hair cut, he HATES geting his hair cut, well i ended up just shaving it all off! It took us 2 nights to complete it with me using the clippers and declan holding him still....poor little guy is probably traumatized now :(
well here he is...i think he looks a lot like kian when he was younger here...

and just another of our goofy callum!!

just a FYI

old navy is doing its really big sale RIGHT NOW!! Use code EXTRA50 for an extra 50% off all clearance...not as fun doing it online as acthully going to the store but oh well... also target is doing there 75% off toy sale... man i scored at this last year i was set for presents all year...actually i still have some! yankee candle has 75% off a lot of stuff as well.
Also.....oshkosh and carters are having there big big sale this weekend :( So my friends down there in sc if you guys are headed to the beach this weekend still, think about me and know how jealous i am of you!!!

This is when i totally miss going to the stores...they always have a better selection in the store than online

anyways im watching american idol so gotta go but i just told declan "AMERICAN idol" is on and he asked me the stateside one???? uh yeah

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

shaw - yahoo

i just had a great time chatting with kristie and rosey in a yahoo conference.... i know Amanda you have yahoo and christa and linda i think does anyone else? if you dont go set up a account and we can all have a group chat!!! We need to start planning a reunion!! i miss all of you guys!!

levels of insanity

From my good friend kristie!! if id of been drinking cherry coke it woulda come out of my nose all over the laptop.....

To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity

1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and pointa Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.

2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice!

3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They WantFries with that.

4. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks . Once Everyone hasGotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.

5. In the Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Marijuana".

6. Skip down the hall Rather Than Walk and see how many looks youget.

7. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a seriousface.

8. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is 'To Go'.

9. Sing Along At The Opera.

10. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend TheirParty Because You have a headache.

11. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream 'I Won! I Won!'

12. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot,Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'

13. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are GoingTo Have To Let One Of You Go.'

And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity


Thanks for the laugh!!!

polar bears and penguins

Another joke by kian....

Q-how many penguins can a polar bear eat in a month?

A- None silly...cause polar bears live in the south and penguins live in the north.....

Hmmmmm i wonder where he learnt that?

I discovered google maps the other day It was so cool to me that you could see the roads and houses just like you were there... i was kinda bummed my car was nt outside dawns house but joes truck was haha... lisa and kristie i visited your houses too... kian thought it was cool he could see your pool in the back yard...anyways it made me think just how creepy it could be though, this google van driving round taking pictures every few yards..if our kids were outside playing then they would be on the picture too, i dont know, this made me a little uncomfortable....but oh well. It made me sad, i miss south carolina! i want to go to target or heck even walmart and i want to go eat at logans and get my bread rolls or go to chillis and have some 'Raaanch' haha that was for you angela if your reading this lol, and mostly i want to go to the beach and go to the oshkosh and carters outlet and shop for alexa!!

I got to talk to one of my oldest friends yesterday, and found out shes expecting another baby. im so happy for her, its funny we can go months and months without talking and then when we do its just like we talked 5 mins ago!
Im a slacker when it comes to keeping in touch with people, i mean too, i really do, but then life gets away from me and before i know it its been a month and then 2 and then a year... face book and my space helps me a lot! face book is awesome as im back in touch with everyone i went to school with or played basketball with and then myspace is great for my american friends!!
so my resolution for this year is to get back and keep in touch.......

poor callum doesnt want to take a nap today, he desperatly needs it though! hes up there screaming, maybe i need to go rescue him!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Weekend loving

  • I love not having to get up to my alarm

  • I love not rushing kian to hurry up and get ready for school

  • I love that i dont have to wake callum up from his nap to go get kian from school

  • I love that at least 1 time we eat out or bring something home!

  • I love that declan gets to see kian!

  • I love being able to go to the bx or tescos or wherever without the kids!



We havent really done anything today. Declan did nt get home from work till 4.30 am so we just hung out at home and were lazy! Kian got to watch his ben 10 movie he got for christmas and play the wii, callum got to watch the wiggles and well thats about it, i got to go to the bx with just alexa, and got a ac adaptor for our baby swing as the plug that came with it is lost somewhere in the garage of boxes along with the toys that should go with it, so we have a makeshift mobile at the moment! Tommorow were gonna head over to a indoor play place so the boys can burn up some energy. Its freezing here at the moment so callum hasnt been out in a while and kian doesnt stay at the park too long cause its so cold! It ll be fun though we havent been there in a while, i think the last time i went was when alexa was still in the hospital.

Kian lost another tooth tonight!

Alexa liked hanging out in her swing

And this is how callum spent much of the day!

Friday, January 9, 2009

apologies and pictures

well, i was all set to update yesterday, till i went to do it and our Internet wasn't working. Alexa had her 2 month check up yesterday,and the day before callum had his 2 year. Alexa is now weighing 8lb 14oz. Her doctors kept saying that they couldn't believe she was a preemie baby, she just seemed a bit small... so for her actual age, 2 months she is in the less than 3 percentile but for her adjusted age she would be 3 weeks and she is in the 90th percentile. they told us we have nothing to worry about but there gonna enroll her in this edis program which will help with her development.


Kian is finally settled and happy here. I was telling him how faith still has a picture of us in her room and would int it be cool if we could go visit them and stuff. well kian did nt think it would be so cool. He told me he could nt go back to SC because he is in love! This has been going on a few weeks now. This girl in his class he is besotted with! And he cant leave because he wants to kiss her??? HELLOOO? when did this happen? i mean i knew he was growing up and stuff but still... he s only 6 right? how does he know about kissing girls and stuff! anyways i think its cute!

He has made a lot of friends at school and in our neighbourhood. Our housing is part of a big circle and theres a park in the middle of it, so he has made a bunch of friends over there, One boy he did bowling with at shaw!


Callum is too funny,he is absolutely obsessed with the wiggles. Now as much as I love them i have to say its getting a bit old watching the same episodes over and over! His new favorite toy is the mr potato heads he got for Christmas...he will sit there for ever making different faces! And when hes done its time to watch the wiggles again of course! Ive found this that were gonna sign him up to do. Every time he sees the commercial on TV he gets all excited about it!


And finally as i figured out how to upload pictures heres a pic of alexas room stuff! i still need to get the curtain rail to hang the curtains and a crib for her to actually sleep in but other than that her room is pretty much done :) Now to get started on ours!

sorry...kinda a boring update but nothing exciting has happened yet! weve got lots of plans for this year though. sponge bob and scooby doo are doing shows were gonna go see. were gonna go on vacation to just gotta figure out when. im really excited about this as there is SO much for kian and callum to do there!

allrighty time for bed!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


so much for the everyday updates!.... alexa's been kinda fussy the past couple of days, when she wasnt sleeping she needed to be held, and she wasnt eating as much as she normally does so i think she was nt feeling good :( she has her 2 month check up this morning, callum had his yesterday and he is being referred for a speech evaluation as he still is only saying about 5 words. we have conversations and everything its just he uses "uh uhhhh" instead of the words.
Ill update about alexa tonight. Its been freezing here the past few days, snow, that then melted a bit during the day and then froze again and again... it was nt fun driving to callums appointment yesterday at 8am. well its time to get kian up for school...have a great day :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009


i need to go to the commissary but I'm procrastinating.....its what i do best... we also need to go to the bx and get all the guys hair cut.getting callums haircut is a nightmare. he hates it. he screams a lot! but his hair is just too long, we were gonna just let it grow out but when he gets mad and crys his hair gets all sweaty so its kinda gross..and he seems to get mad and cry at least 2 times a day so we need to help conquer the sweatiness.

i just spent 2 1/2 hours ironing clothes and i ve yet to put them away. why is it when you add another kid that seems to quadruloopify the amount of laundry there is. i hate putting laundry away. i like washing it and folding it out of the dryer but i never can get the stuff put away...i need to work on that!

kian wanted to make his own lunch he did.
He got 2 pieces of bread and 2 slices of cheese, put them under the broiler, heated up some baked beans and when the cheese was melted put the beans on top of the cheesy bread...
all i had to do was cut it up for him.

Also doesn't a 2 month old know that Sunday's your not supposed to get up for the day before 7am? actully this seems to apply to callum too so i guess theres not much hope for the next few years at least...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

shopping...lots and lots of...

Ive been on a roll this week. I packed away all the christmas stuff but most importantly i finally finished unpacking all the boxes upstairs. this means kian and callums room is now complete apart from decorating it, which i will do next pay day for reasons that is a different post!

Alexas room is on its way to being done. We still need to get a crib for her because there is no way im taking callum out of his crib yet. he will be in it till he can remove himself from it and its not safe anymore. So today we went to babies r us, which in fact was a toys r us with maybe 4 aisles of baby stuff, but whatever. They had what i needed. I got some room borders and stickers,curtains and wall hangings. i still need to get the bed set but not much point getting that till we have the crib right? anyways her room looks so cute so far. Its a theme called hugs and kisses ans its so cute i will post pictures when its finished and once i figure out how to do that on here!

what else, what else, well as we went to cambridge we had to get mcdonalds, did you know its pretty much the same price for us to eat mcdonalds off base as it is to eat burger king or popeyes on base.... anyways so after we went to cambridge we went to newmarket cause declan needed to go to halfords to get some lightbulbs for my car, as i really cant see anything driving at night here( at night being after 4pm!) and i needed to go to homebase to get some lightbulbs as i unlike declan need light.we have those celing fan lights with the 3 bulbs and only one was working and it is so dark and gloomy i needed lightbulbs!... So of course as we did all that today callum did nt get to nap which meant he was miserable all night. so hopefully he sleeps tonight and doesnt get up at the butt crack of dawn in the morning...

thats all for now folks!

The first post

  • well, my memory sucks. so here i am to try and write down what happened during the days...ive learned from kian and callum that time goes by too quickly and its easy to forget the cute little things that they do...

  • Declan and kian will be contributing from time to time...

  • here is kians contribution for today

Kian "what do you get if you cross a slap and a happy meal?"
Me " i dont know"
Kian "a SLAPPY meal...get it haha slap... happy meal slappy meal"

Me "groan......."